FlingFinder - Women Seeking Men

in Wollongong, NSW, Australia - Page 3

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Female, 61 years old

Wollongong, NSW, AU, Australia

Blonde, bubbly, cute & sexy!!! Are you the one for me?? I'm happy, outgoing, relaxed & friendly. I love socialising & meeting new people. I'm romantic & love, love, love kissing!! Isn't it the best thing??!! Not in to anger, violence, jealousy etc..... Live...Love...Laugh :-)... buttercup9's dating profile

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Female, 57 years old

Wollongong, NSW, AU, Australia

i want to experience more in life than most people.i dont want to look back on life and wonder "what if".im naturally submissive and therefore looking for someone who is into control to push me to experience all they have to offer.i get bored very easily,so the more variety,the better... babe_in_boyland's dating profile

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Female, 65 years old

Wollongong, NSW, AU, Australia

Fat old lady looking to put some fun back in my life, love to laugh and have a sick sense of humour... libbynorth's dating profile

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Female, 53 years old

Wollongong, NSW, AU, Australia

Open minded and willing to try most things but not too extreme ! Just want to enjoy life. Easy going girl and no pressure from me ! I am probably after what you are after... if so please get in touch. I am an honest girl with a good heart.... babeforyou's dating profile

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Female, 35 years old

Wollongong, NSW, AU, Australia

Im a straightforward fun loving girl. I dont take life to seriously. I'm rather opinionated and i dont mind a good 'discussion' ") I'm not afraid to be myself, and ill tell you exactly what i think. I have an obsession with buying shoes, but other than that save most of my money as i hope to trav…... Rah.5896's dating profile

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Female, 32 years old

Wollongong, NSW, AU, Australia

hi guys im a nice person i have a great awsome bubblly personality... love to go out party and have fun! love walks along the beach its beautiful and sooo romantic... cassii's dating profile

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Female, 39 years old

Wollongong, NSW, AU, Australia

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Female, 36 years old

Wollongong, NSW, AU, Australia

just wanna meet fds first, maybe more later. New to australia. hope nice ppl can help. thanks for reading. can ask me for pics.... chel's dating profile

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Female, 40 years old

Wollongong, NSW, AU, Australia

Looking for something new. Happy to be the third, or to have a tussle in the covers with a senxual guy.... hellyes's dating profile

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Female, 34 years old

Wollongong, NSW, AU, Australia

19 years. loves life and lives it to the max. netball a major part of life. love my job. sunrise at the beach is a passion. craxy about meeting new ppl.... Megan's dating profile

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