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37yo Female & 39yo Male

Melbourne, VIC, AU, Australia

About Me

Couple seeking to share a night with annother lass. We want to get to know you a bit first. Neither of us have done this before but we have talked about it so much, for years.

My Kind of Partner

Fun, kind, gentle?? Haha


To have me (wife) be with a woman while husband watches.

Favourite Movies

So many movies! We love movies haha

Favourite Music

We both love a big range of music

Favourite TV Shows

Game of thrones, stranger things and the walking dead are our main lobes to watch together. Or British comedies haha

Favourite Books

We are very different in this area

Favourite Food

Good food! Haha

Favourite Sports

Hubby loves anything sport!

Favourite Hobbies, Games

Ummmm.... kids, work, study... amongst all that i guess finding time to have sex is our favorite hobby haha

More FlingFinder Members

Newbies at this but want to meet people to experiment. Shy at the start but want to get to know people first


Hi we're a couple wanting another women for threesome encounter no strings attached happy down to earth women please get in touch


We are an attractive couple seeking new experiences. We are adventurous and like to have fun. We are very easy going.


26 y/o female and male looking for female or couples to join us in having some fun. Only serious people please.


Fun, adventurous couple looking for other like minded people to share encounters with. New to the game, keen as a bean


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