Updated 03 Oct, 08 - 6 Comments.

Sometimes I feel like there's a hole inside of me, an emptiness that at times seems to burn. I think if you lifted my heart to your ear, you could probably hear the ocean. The moon tonight, there's a circle around it. Sign of trouble not far behind. I have this dream of being whole. Of not going to sleep each night, wanting. But still sometimes, when the wind is warm or the crickets sing... I dream of a love that even time will lie down and be still for. I just want someone to love me. I want to be seen. I don't know. Maybe I had my happiness. I don't want to believe it but, there is no man. Only that moon.

ok so yes this is one of my all time favourite pieces of text from my favourite movie. no i am not a depressing person, i just think it is beautiful. being someone who does have a very happy life however has never experienced love (except for my dog but she is so cute i just can't say no to her) i thought i would share this because at the end of the day who hasn't felt lonely and who doesn't wish for love even those like me who have never had it still want to experience it. because as cynical as i might seem what wouldn't i do, for the right guy.

one of my friends once told me that there is good and bad to my situation on one hand i don't get too attached and have never cried over a guy (have had many thoughts of torturing some of them tho) so i never really get hurt. however she falls in love all the time and gets hurt really badly but always says it was worth it. hence i want to know one day what is so good that it is worth crying over.

so remember always throw spilt salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for luck, and fall in love whenever you can.

  • (Private Profile) - 29 Oct, 08

    I can totally understand the lonlyness in that piece. I went back to an abusive lover many times because the passion, no matter how violent , was better than the nothing and the lonlyness. Practical Magic is a personal fave of mine too.
    Just remember thou that you are 19yrs old and you have plenty of heartbreak ahead, but never loose hope, I found my happiness at 26yrs old


  • nux (FF Host) - 10 Oct, 08
    Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

    interesting topic... and such a loaded one... very open to interpretation, it comes down to ones perception of the age old question: "what is love?"
    For most people its the butterflies and warm fuzzy feelings. For me, i call that lust.
    Personally i think love is being comfortable with someone. When you love someone, you dont need to be all over each other all the time, i like the feeling of just being comfortable hanging out with each other. You know, kicking back, watching a movie.... even just going to the supermarket together. Just knowing they are there, and that you are together....knowing you love each other, without the need to maul each other to prove it. Sure, you need intimacy, but its not neccessary to be intimate all the time, there's more to life, and much more to enjoy together. I can sit watching TV in complete silence, hardly even talk to the missus, but i know she's there....and thats what matters, its that feeling of security, just knowing she's there for me, and i'm here for her. To me, that's love.
    It's also important to feel pleased if my partner is having a good time - if she goes out with friends and leaves me at home, i don't get jealous, coz i know she's having a good time. Jealousy kills relationships, end of story. I've learned that smothering each other kills relationships too - as does posessivness, Hope will vouch for that;-)
    My partner recently suggested bringing someone else into the bedroom with us, just for fun. Most people frown upon this, and say there's no way they could handle their partner being intimate with another person - but again, its knowing that my partner is having fun, thats what matters - at the end of the day she still loves me, and i still love her, and we'll still be together, if we can just remember that this activity is just sharing some fun together. I'm confident that my partner would not leave me for someone else, and she can feel confident that i am not going to leave her over something like this, after all, why should we leave each other just because we shared some fun? doesn't really make sense, right?
    So for me, LOVE is security, all the other needy stuff is lust.
    I'm sure some will disagree, but yeah, just wanted to express my opinion on the subject, maybe some people will open their eyes a little wider to some of the ideas above.


    756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
    • (Private Profile) - 29 Oct, 08

      I feel that way too sweetie, although a little bit of love and ass grabbing never killed anyone. Love you babe xoxoxoxo


  • hope darling - 06 Oct, 08
    Edens Landing, QLD, AU

    my usual go with when i am bored. or they really start to annoy me, i tend to date guys who act like nagging possessive 13 year old girls. (a bit mean i know but once you have dated enough of them you get sick of it) but as most guys aren't usually like this maybe it is the way that i am that makes them act like this.


    39 Comments - 5 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 03 Oct, 08

    Practical Magic! Great Movie! ..."there's a little bit of witch in every woman."

    Love has become such a commodity these days. I had a chat with one of my older patients recently about this topic and I must say, times have certainly changed. Back then, there was a huge difference between love and lust. Now, sadly, it's a thin line that seperates the two. Are we really in love or is it merely just lust? Is it love that gives us butterflies in the tummy when the object of our adoration walks in or is it lust that drives us to be in constant touch with our addiction? Food for thought..

    However we interpret it, "being in love" should be as it was from day dot: Magical ;)

    p.s My patient met and fell in love with her husband when they were both 17yrs old. They both celebrated their 95th birthdays last week, and yes, they still only have eyes for each other.
    Awwww, precious! xox


    • hope darling - 06 Oct, 08
      Edens Landing, QLD, AU

      oh i definatly know what lust is and have nothing against it. but i love stories like that old people who are in love still after all this time it reminds me of the notebook. so yeha maybe i just want magic. but cmon who doesn't


      39 Comments - 5 Blog Posts

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