True Friends can be found on ff

27 Mar, 13 - 12 Comments.

There are many blogs on here why cant i find sex why wont the girls talk to me!!!!!!

Well for me when I joined FF I was lonely and confused as my hubby of then 13 years havent had sex in over the past 2 years (yes now peaking 3) yes we are still married and happy why well we are!!! I have now been on here for over a year.

In this time I have met so many wonderful people, yes I have gone to 2 drink nites and loved meeting the one's I talk to in chat in saying this I have left both happy and dissapointed but people like gorgeous DD, NV and SOFT, oh and boys llke 50zcool,Eassy, JB and others made it wonderful to meet in real life, and on the other hand leaving has made me feel is this what I am really about!!!!! (no answer is needet each to our own). I know I have not mentioned all but the true ones who believe and know who i am know who you are!!!

But getting to my point next week I am so excited as a TRUE friends i have met on here are MR and MRS HOTEL and I am going to be spending a wonderful week with them. And with the help of FF I would not of found such wonderful people and just want to say the past year on meeting people like them I am very lucky to find deep friendship and others on here .Sadly some dissapoint but hey thats life

love to everyone

  • shyzie - 27 Mar, 13
    Adelaide, SA, AU

    oh i will hon and hope our paths meet many more times xxx


    127 Comments - 9 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 28 Mar, 13

    Shy, it was great meeting you. I left you with my handbag and you never touched a cent lol. Seriously though. You have been a rock to many on here, including myself. You're sincere and a fantastically warm caring loving person. Lubs ya xo


  • (Private Profile) - 28 Mar, 13

    We cant wait! Not long now till you are here & enjoying a beer on our verandah. We are so lucky we found you, in this crazy cyber world.
    Big thank you to Fling Finder!
    People make us happy....... not money, houses, cars.
    To enjoy all of thoes things you need, True friends, family, a lover or lover's ......... When the sun sets each day, it's great to have all of the things money can buy....... but lonley if there is no one to share them with.
    Money or your credit card doesn't give a shit about your day. How you feel, cuddle you at night, make you scream & your legs shake. Sure with money you can buy affection & pleasure. But that has a time limit & a risk of catching a dirty std.
    True friends care about your day, how you feel.
    Your children give you beautiful cuddles.
    Your lover makes you scream & your fb makes your legs shake!
    You need people to feel real emotions....... not credit cards or money.
    Love you Shyzie, thank you for being you.
    You truly are an amazing person. xoxo


  • (Private Profile) - 29 Mar, 13

    Shy! You are a darling. A big hug goes to you from me, and I think it goes without saying how I feel too. I will say it but at the end ok lol.
    You are one of those who chose to give me the time of day (as did others and you fkrs know who you are ) and found out the type of person I am. That told me right away what type of person you are.
    Then we met in 3D, and had some awesome laughs together and shared our life stories.

    I knew then that you will always be one of my true friends.

    P.s still waiting for you to pick me up in the combi too. Will be out the front waiting. :-)


  • (Private Profile) - 30 Mar, 13

    Thanks for sharing this hun. You are a beautiful human being. By the way... WHY CAN'T I GET SEX????? hahahah :) I was in a similar situation as you, and I learnt that I value health and friendship more than just a fling, but along the way I can have fun ;). I'm glad I met you.


  • shyzie - 04 Apr, 13
    Adelaide, SA, AU

    Whoop whoop let the five days begin with Mr and Mrs Hotel xxxxxxxx


    127 Comments - 9 Blog Posts
  • shyzie - 08 Apr, 13
    Adelaide, SA, AU

    sitting in the Brisbane Airport waiting to head back to SA but I had the best time and thanks Mr and Mrs Hotel, need to get home to recover i think :)


    127 Comments - 9 Blog Posts
    • (Private Profile) - 08 Apr, 13

      We miss you already! It was an awesome 6days & even better 5 nights ;) It was so good to meet you in 3d. You truly are an amazing, beautiful woman. Cant wait till next time! lot's of love xoxox


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