06 Nov, 12 - 7 Comments.

Would like to know peoples opinions/comments/insights as to why some people go into the chat room, sit there for several hours, don't speak and show as being away.

  • mel24680 - 06 Nov, 12
    Devonport, TAS, AU

    I'm happy with the whisper function maybe a function where instead of people being able to click on your cam to view you are able to choose the few in the room you give access to and no one else can annoy you. I see people lately in there and you can see they are on for the hour or so I am and always in away status. If they wish to chat privately then maybe move to the back room and continue.


    54 Comments - 4 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 06 Nov, 12

    Usually because I've forgotten I was logged in or ive fallen asleep. Although the computer goes to sleep eventually. However with increased alcohol consumption lately I think I can now drink 5 or 6 drinks before falling asleep instead of 4 lol


  • (Private Profile) - 06 Nov, 12

    It's cause you talk to much Mel and they get anused by what you have to say, so they don't need to speak..lol.
    Luvs ya


  • (Private Profile) - 11 Nov, 12

    For me I can be found of being guilty of doing is in the past on because I was either on a phone call or doing work while in the chat room especially if I was working from home for that day .... Now I just leave the chat room and come back when I can give the room my undivided attention ..... ;)


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