Dummy Spits, come one, come all !

Updated 10 Dec, 10 - 75 Comments.


I don't know if many of you watch Good News Week, but on that show they have a segment where they all stand around a rubish bin and pick a story out of a magazine that agrovates them. They then have a dummy spit about what agrovates them and throw the magazine in the bin (with force of course).


This blog is for people to just have a spit about what agrovates them, to vent, if you will. However, remember to be civil and try not to be directly offensive. This is not a place to pick a fight.

I'll start:

What i find irritating is when people have on their profile:

"I don't take life seriously"

I don't get that, so if you were getting mugged and the mugger pulled out a gun and held it to your head you'd just say "thats cool mate, i wasn't taking life seriously anyway" Or end up in a wheelchair, doesn't matter 'coz you weren't taking life seriously. Cancer? no worries !

I just find it a silly thing to say, because life is as serious as it gets, without it, you're nothing.

Ok, your turn.


I reserve the right to remove any comments that are blatantly directed at someone.

  • (Private Profile) - 13 Dec, 10

    P.S. damn blogs are fast, that one was kinda for heartbreak in a way but it's for everyone else too.
    thats what i hate, checking my spelling,my forming of sentences makes my blog out of order cause others have written b4 me....lol


  • (Private Profile) - 13 Dec, 10

    a can of worms !!!! hehehehehee
    I don't judge ppl on here but if everyone is open & honest then the respect of differences can be better understood
    we all deserve to only show or express what we're comfortable with if you realise the person is not for you, i don't think you've waisted ur time...... :)


  • nux (FF Host) - 13 Dec, 10
    Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

    I thought of another one.
    Whats with people these days openly confessing that they're up themselves?
    I see it on so many profiles, in their descriptions of themself they say "I'm hot" or "I'm sexy" blah blah blah.... god, we used to tease people who thought their shit didn't stink.
    What happened?


    756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 12 Dec, 10

    Ok so back to the original idea of ranting about something that shits you...I hate it when people head back to the bar to get a drink but leave their empty glass on the table. Yeah it's empty but you're going back to the bar...take it with you. End of rant...


  • (Private Profile) - 11 Dec, 10

    Ok..my rant for the day...
    I don't like lack of a community approach to the way we as a society address the needs of each other...
    Eg. Public health (coz that's what's been brought up here...)

    Personal responsibility is one aspect of dealing with any health issue...but as a society and community we also have a responsibility to each other. So there is much that can be done on a public policy level to address the reasons why people find it difficult to have a healthy body or mind (whether it be from weight, depression, smoking, cancer, auto-immune, allergy...whatever). And as compassionate people we can extend understanding and support to other people rather than judgements and biggotry.

    There are many reasons why people find it difficult to maintain a healthy weight. Many of those reasons begin before a person is born, and in the early years of their lives with the celular changes that happen through lack of breastfeeding etc... So, yes, there are lots of us who are 'lucky' to have the metabolism and genetics that we have...not everyone got to have a say in how their body responds to once a week junk food...
    Making the assumption that all heavier people do nothing to look after themselves and don't eat properly etc is inaccurate and ignorant. And it's just as innacurate and ignorant to think that thinner people do look after themselves...

    The reasons for depression/anxiety etc in our community are everyone's responsibility, not just those it affects.

    Apathy in addressing the needs of others and lack of compassion towards each other have a lot to answer for in our society and are responsible for much of the heart disease and health budget that has been spoken of...


    • nux (FF Host) - 11 Dec, 10
      Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

      Best reply EVER.
      I couldn't find the words, but you nailed it.
      I have been thinking about removing HB's post and all comments surrounding it, because i find it downright offensive - and i'm not even obese....ok i've got a few extra pounds, but i still find it offensive, not to mention discriminatory and pig headed. In the end i decided to leave it there, but i'm pleased you found some good words to put it in its place.


      756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 10 Dec, 10

    OMG I HATE all these damn flying bugs at the moment! You get a week or two of rain, then some sunshine and the little fuckers think its ok to breed and come out! GET OFF MY BOOKS! YUCK!!!


  • (Private Profile) - 10 Dec, 10

    havent seen anyone personally bag hb out for his opinion, as stated, this is a place for opinion, ppl have added theres and moved on..which is their right as much as it is his to have an opinion and make it known.


    • (Private Profile) - 13 Dec, 10

      Good for you Mezz, but one more thing... everybody perceives everything in their own way... not everybodys interpretation of Fat or Average etc, is the same. We all see things differently.. Heartbreaker has his way... I was merely commenting on his attitude toward distress and depression really. Everyone has the right to their own perception of body beautiful... some guys like fat chicks... yes, really!! LOL


  • (Private Profile) - 10 Dec, 10

    me thinks you've had a hard life Troppo (get in the queue) But you don't understand Depression or mental illness in general... It's not a choice, ya know. And some people's illnesses interfere with their obvious need for help. Not so cut and dried.


  • nux (FF Host) - 10 Dec, 10
    Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

    Quote: *I hate that people aren't honest about their weight. When you're only 160cm and weigh 85kg you're not "Average", you're OBESE.

    Apparently fat is the new average, because plenty of obese people have "Average" weight on their profile. I hate reading someone's profile who is clearly overweight only to read "Average" or "Cuddly". You're FUCKING MASSIVE WOMAN... WAT THE FUCK??"

    Is there an option for them to tick that says their body is "Obese" or "fucking massive"?


    756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
    • (Private Profile) - 10 Dec, 10



    • nux (FF Host) - 10 Dec, 10
      Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

      Troppo, i'm not "starting a fight".
      I asked a simple question, because Heartbreaker stated that he hates people being dishonest by stating that they are body "average" or "cuddly".
      My point is that i don't think its a question of dishonesty, they have no other options. Do you think Ood should have put in a FAT and OBESE option when he built this site? That would be rather polically incorrect, not to mention downright offensive.
      And thats my opinion.


      756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 10 Dec, 10

    Yeah some obese people might have a whine and a cry about what you have said, others will just agree and move on. I don't think that you need to be harsh on a person because of their lifestyle, let's face it, they will pay a price in the end for their choices. I agree that it puts a strain on health services, but not every obese person needs to use the services provided by the health department, some are in fact quite healthy. I agree that people should put on their profile what they are by their bmi, as this is the nationally recognized weight scale. This does not just apply to women, plenty of men do it to. While I'm at it boys, the average male penis is 16 - 17 cm, so having "above average" on your profile when you have 5" is just misleading!
    HeartBreaka, you have some valid points, but if you were ever to come to "the dark side" I think you would find it's harder than you think to do the "right thing" when you are stuck in a body rut. But it's def not an excuse to not try.
    I make no excuses for myself, I'm obese, I live my life this way, and I don't expect people to do anything different for me because of this. I also don't expect everyone to like me, there are people with very strong opinions against obese people, such as yourself (from what I get from your blogs, comments and profile) and that's fine. I don't like every type of person myself, but I really don't think you can group every obese person into a category, it would be like calling all thin people anorexic. It's not so simple.

    So, here is one happy obese chick reading your post, agreeing with it and moving on, knowing that the person she is replying to is as set in his ways, as she is in hers.


  • (Private Profile) - 10 Dec, 10

    Just a quick question hun? Was there really any need to add the last paragraph. I have first-hand experience in what people feel like in that dark and hellish place of which, I think, you have no understanding. There are many things that beckon someone with depression, alcohol, drugs, escapism. And yes, food.

    Sorry hun, I appreciate that you have the energy, motivation, drive, determination and self-respect to do what you do. We are not all alike. I just think you could have considered that before writing some of your earlier comments too. Anyway, blogs are for free speech. So - I hear ya... But...


  • (Private Profile) - 10 Dec, 10

    I am so glad to see this conversation... I am a Proofreader/Editor and to see people actually making an effort makes me feel warm and cosy... Thank you for keeping the spirit of the written word alive... If we don't do it, pretty soon we'll be back to grunting at each other again. Most of the time, with emails and texts, posts etc., I have to try and repress the natural proofreader within me. Very hard sometimes!!!!


  • (Private Profile) - 10 Dec, 10

    but my MAJOR pet peeve, is ppl who cant keep out of other ppls business (yes small town syndrome) and those who cant find something nice to say, yet make their unwanted opinions known anyway lol....i always figure, if you cant find something nice to say, best not say anything, and just mutter it to yaself.

    and judgy ppl, cant stand them...honestly...none of us EVERY trully know someone elses circumstances, life history, situation and everything they have gone through (good and bad) to make them the person they are....yes, everyone has issues, but hey...dont take them out on others...dont use your issues as an excuse to bag ppl out...its not cricket.

    until someone has lived your EXACT life, they have nfi.
    i know we all have things from our past and yes i do too, but i dont take it out on others. I deal with my issues like an adult. i keep almost all my past to myself, cos its my business, very few ppl know the life ive done and been through, and im not about to start broadcasting it any time soon. im proud of who i am, how strong i can be and the fact that, well that im still here really....


  • (Private Profile) - 10 Dec, 10

    Totally with you on that one hun.... Or what is better when they text you when you are already at the location!!!! Grrrrr
    I had one once that didn't ring or text so I rang him and he was very annoyed that I did... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Rude prick can go fuck himself!!!!!!!!!!!!

    All people who stand other people up should be Slapped and duel at dawn!!!! lol That is another one for you to add to the list Matte!!! lol


  • nux (FF Host) - 10 Dec, 10
    Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

    Matte just reminded me of another one - i HATE Telstra.
    I vowed 10 years ago to never EVER use ANY of their "services" ever again, and the stories i've heard from people (still) about how they've been shafted makes me wonder how the hell they are still in business. I guess it's because they are everywhere, their advertising is all over the place so i guess people just use them because they think its convenient. Others are in the very unfortunate situation of not having any other services to choose from, country folk. I guess a lot of people "cant be bothered" changing companies also, but trust me, its as easy as a phone call to another provider, they'll do the rest, and you'll experience an amazing sense of freedom once you get away from those pricks, trust me on that one.
    /end rant.


    756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
    • (Private Profile) - 10 Dec, 10

      yes, unfortunately Im a "country folk" and telstra is as good as we get here lol, no-one else has coverage.
      IM with you wenchy, the ppl who bitch for the sake of bitching. Those who have a home, food, a job, good health, family and friends who care for them, yet think they are so hard done by.

      We all have tough times sure, but if you arent livin in a cardboard box somewhere in an alley with no clothes, nothing to eat and noone who gives a shit, in my book...ur doin ok.


    • (Private Profile) - 10 Dec, 10

      OOOH yes yes yes yes yes yes FUCK TESLSTRA!!! They can drive me to not very peaceful moods for sure... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR......
      and yes, I'm a poor country folk stuck with them because no-one else has good enough coverage around here :-(


    • (Private Profile) - 11 Dec, 10

      I hate TELSTRA too - they are a bunch of fucking Nazis. I truly wish that corporation would just crumble into dust... I have a very personal vendetta against THEM!!!
      *end rant


  • nux (FF Host) - 23 Nov, 10
    Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

    I hate the new MSN messenger. Freakin thing wats to take over the whole internet experience - change your home page, change your search provider, let your msn friend know every fucking thing you do on the net. They (MSN) are getting more and more obnoxious with every release, and you cant even choose to skip the update in windows 7, it just keeps reminding you that there's an update - so you give in and update to stop all the feckin reminders - gah !


    756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
    • (Private Profile) - 24 Nov, 10

      and now it wiped the icons i had and took over how it presents itself.getting closer to wipeing it altogether


  • (Private Profile) - 22 Nov, 10

    OK, so most of you know that I'm a pretty laid back person, I don't tend to share my opionion on anything, so here goes...
    I hate it when you start something new and aren't told all the info you need to know.
    I hate swipe cards that don't work.
    I hate technology when it doesn't work.
    I hate ants/bugs when they get in your house, I can never get them out and I can't bring myself to kill them.
    I hate rainy days when you have piles of washing to hang out and no dryer.
    I hate living alone.
    I hate it when you run out of ink and then can't find another pen.
    I hate not being able to get into chat.
    I hate that I can't post blogs on my iPhone (nux any chance of a fix?)
    I hate being hormonal...
    But most of all I hate people that hate everything in their life, when it really is going quite well for them, and they are only complaining about small things because there is no major problems in their life. They have good health, good friends and great families. Life is complicated.
    Rant over... <throws magazine in trash can>


    • (Private Profile) - 22 Nov, 10

      Oh and I hate it when the freezer is up too high and freezes the bajeebers outta your ice-cream, and then you can't get the lid off, then can't scoop it out, so you put it in the microwave only to zap it for to long, and you end up drinking it instead :(


    • nux (FF Host) - 22 Nov, 10
      Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

      Thats something you'd have to talk to the boss about (the iphone thing). Click on the "contact us" link, i think they have a feedback thingo there. I like to help where i can, but thats a site owner/developer thing.


      756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
    • (Private Profile) - 22 Nov, 10

      Oops my bad, I ment oodlum, dunno why I typed your name nux, you must be on my mind ;) lol


  • (Private Profile) - 22 Nov, 10

    one of the reasons that i get booted is when someone messages me at the time i'm online chatting, happened twice last nite ! lol
    at least one of the guys who messaged came into the chatroom to say hello, sweet :)


  • (Private Profile) - 22 Nov, 10

    I HATE: that no one in Perth can f*#kin drive! How hard is it to get to 100ks before "merging" onto freeway?
    No such thing as a bloody indicator here, theyre called "confirmers"
    They give licenses away in cereal boxes at the "Department Of Planning And Inferstructure" (pfft)
    .thakyou mr nux


    • (Private Profile) - 22 Nov, 10

      you forgot about the parking...
      and the stupid bloody taxi company


    • (Private Profile) - 22 Nov, 10

      "confirmers"? Are you serious? One of my pet peeves is when people move into the turn-off lane and THEN indicate. Also when they break to turn, slow to a crawl and then indicate. Don't even get me started on when you're at a T-intersection waiting for some fucker to pass before turning out, and he indicates and turns at the last minute instead of passing. Same goes for dirtbags who don't indicate into roundabouts, leaving you sitting there for no reason.

      Yeah basically I'm a blinker nazi.


    • (Private Profile) - 22 Nov, 10

      Yeah thats what i mean by confirmers Oods GRRRRRR!


  • (Private Profile) - 22 Nov, 10

    Tell me about it! dont make batteries like they used to,ah,um,i mean, Yeah! who cares about those unellected sponges anyway!!!!


  • (Private Profile) - 22 Nov, 10

    oh so true, had someone ask me to drive them somewhere
    they rang the nite b4 and asked for me to come earlier
    so of course i did, when i got there though they didn't need me to drive them afterall...!!????? wtf ! pissed me off soooo


  • (Private Profile) - 21 Nov, 10

    I hate it when you take the tag of a new g string because it's scratchy then the next time you put it on and the room is maybe a little dim, you put it on the wrong way. Finally twigs when you're at work and it's mighty uncomfortable...duh. Hate that...


  • (Private Profile) - 21 Nov, 10

    It irritates the hell out of me when people are incompetent and when they are just too lazy to pull their own weight!!
    Also, injustice absolutely fucks me up! I hate it when people victimise others!


  • (Private Profile) - 18 Nov, 10

    I found a store in Sydney that had some really cool shoes I had eyed off on the net before - My feet are a size 6 1/2 or 7. All the shoes I liked were size 7s but NONE fit. I hate it when you try something on in your size but the make of it is small or too big. It gets your hopes up and then shits all over your mood. In my case anyway. Shoes are very important :)


  • descrete fun 69 - 18 Nov, 10
    Adelaide, SA, AU

    Gossip...I hate gossip...it's just sooo wrong!

    We live in a small country town where people seem to feed on gossip, and if there isn't any they seem to make shit up then sit back and enjoy what they created! I have seen a few of my friends get really hurt because of it.

    It's really sad when people are not happy unless they are creating pointless drama in other peoples lives.

    So there you go, there's my something that really aggravates me...well that and when I get outbid on ebay lol :)


    19 Comments - 0 Blog Posts
    • (Private Profile) - 10 Dec, 10

      Those people that makes things up have to do it because they have such boring lives themselves hun!!! And if they are giving you or your friends a bashing that means you have interesting lives. While they are focusing on your or your friends, they are leaving all the other interesting people alone!!! Be happy that you and your friends are interesting enough to be talked or gossiped about darl and say fuck 'em it's their problem hun!!!


  • (Private Profile) - 18 Nov, 10

    People who mislead you into thinking that they are trustworthy and will be there when you need them.

    If someone complains that you don't open up to them, or don't share your worries and problems with them but later uses this against you ' don't blame me for your issues' which is unrelated to the discussion with the intent to hurt then it finally sinks - you are a completely selfish arrogant pig.

    Bitter nasty women. Being told that someone who hardly knows you has warned your friend against you in the past really shits me. I take care of myself and I don't like to be buddy buddy with random people unless I meet them through someone else or I know them. Being a snob, bitch, stuck up, etc. is fine as long as it separates me from the likes of them. I just hate it when they have the nerve to pretend we are friends or happy acquaintances when put in a face to face situation. If I was a fat slob we would probably be the best of friends because it would probably make you feel better.

    People who don't understand that not everyone likes to deal with things right there and then. People who don't understand that you are not always in the right frame of mind to talk or answer calls or be out and about.

    People who make out that they are interested in a lot of things you are but eventually show you that REALLY they'd just like to eat gourmet food on the weekend, watch a movie and sleep.


  • nux (FF Host) - 18 Nov, 10
    Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

    I thought of another one:
    I hate it when people say "i like fun and i'm looking for chicks that like fun"
    Who the hell doesnt like fun? If you didnt like it, it wouldnt be fun, right?.
    "hey mate, are you having fun"?
    "Yes i am, unfortunately."


    756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 18 Nov, 10

    well there you go ! lol
    if i were to "vent" then i think i would be seen as a "Drama queen" and that would piss you off Lol
    nux said don't make this a place to pick a fight so this is why i said i would pass.
    However Everything atm pisses me off !!
    My 'ex' has the means and income to move out, I have the knowlegde and skills and time to lookafter my kids. So why the f@#k did i move out and he stay with the kids!! Stubburn,hotheaded,stupid mixed up ppl that scream out for attention and let others walk all over them is what piss most ppl off and i become one of them...


    • (Private Profile) - 10 Dec, 10

      you're cool Soulie... just relax hun. (Or try - I know it aint easy...) I am sure that's NOT what people think. x


  • mel24680 - 18 Nov, 10
    Devonport, TAS, AU

    My issue is some people in the chat room not understanding some of us are there some nights just for a chat, a laugh and the occasional flash of boobage as a way of adding some excitement to otherwise boring lives. I know we may sit in the adult room but generally after a certain time of night that's the only place you will find any one. I am not horny 24/7 and please understand that.


    54 Comments - 4 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 17 Nov, 10

    I'm with both of you TroppoLass and curious couple. I hate text speak too.

    It is one thing to use it in a text or in a chat room because you are talking to so many people but in the general day to day of things, let's be grammatically correct!!! How hard is it with spell checker these days.

    PEOPLE PLEASE take the time to just re-read your message before hitting submit or enter!!!


  • (Private Profile) - 17 Nov, 10

    oh nux a can of worms is right lol
    I don't think i can "vent" without maybe some ppl thinking its about themselves or someone else. I say i don't know what i want but i'm here to find out
    with my experiences here i've changed like 10 times over lol and i'm still not sure if i should have a list
    sorry i'm gunna pass on this one :)


    • nux (FF Host) - 17 Nov, 10
      Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

      Then don't vent about people on here, surely something outside this site pisses you off? Like mosquitos for example, they say everything on earth is here for a reason, i think mosquitos are put here to piss us all off.


      756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts

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