IMPORTANT Info for Music Trivia for next month......

Updated 12 Nov, 10 - 6 Comments.

Last nights game for November was won by the guys - 25 to 11.

Congrats guys, and well played.

There were a few comments suggesting that there were too many "guy songs"... i'm still struggling to think how songs can have genders, but anyway, its hard enough to think of songs that most people will know, without having to make sure there's songs the girls will definately know. I'm not having a whinge, i'm just pointing out that its just not that simple to find enough gender specific songs that everyone will know and will keep everyone happy.

With that said, i'm throwing this idea out there - does anyone else want to have a crack at running the next music trivia? If so, please comment below and i'll happily step aside, hell, i'd LOVE to actually play for a change.


1) You need to be a premium or founding member for your mic to work.

2) you will need to position your mic near your speakers to avoid background noise.

3) you have to hold the game at a time that suits the majority

4) you need to think of a theme and select 50 songs from that theme that are/were mainstream songs (were in the charts) so the majority of people will know them.

5) if you choose songs that you like personally, and were not in the charts, chances are not many people will not know them and wont have much fun.

6) you need to keep an eye on the room while running the game for new arrivals so you can tell them to click your cam to hear the audio, and change avatar colour to green or pink.

7) you have to watch closely for the first person to get in with the right answer, and remind people that they need the song title and artist on one line to win a point.

8) you need to make judgement calls on what is acceptable as an answer. ie: typos and spelling errors and "close enough" answers.

9) you need to manually keep score, writing the points down on a piece of paper as you go so you dont lose track.

10) you need to post score updates in the room after every point.

Again, i'm not having a whinge, just throwing it out there to see if anyone else would like to have a go.

Cheers :)

  • nux (FF Host) - 13 Nov, 10
    Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

    Change the word "Need" to "better".


    756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
    • (Private Profile) - 14 Nov, 10

      Thanks Nux, for another heaps fun game, you rock. If it would be helpful, I'd be happy to send you some playlists for the next game ; )
      Well done to the boys too. It was nice to see y'all rising to our level for a change.


  • nux (FF Host) - 13 Nov, 10
    Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

    I'm on demonoid, and yes its great for getting full albums, but need a program like frostwire which is easier to get individual songs.


    756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 12 Nov, 10

    thanks for a great night once again nux! yes us girls didn't win but hey, that's just the way it goes sometimes! i don't think anyone could accuse you of choosing gender specific songs - james and the boys were just better on the night although squirrel and i along with the few other girls in the room gave it our best shot! well done boys! :)


  • nux (FF Host) - 12 Nov, 10
    Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

    Yeah, i should have listed the tunes thing also, coz you need to be able to download a bunch of tunes too, Limewire is not available any more coz they are in court, but i believe there's a program called frostwire that is the popular pick now. Just got to install the program correctly and make sure it doesn't launch at startup, and doesnt install any toolbars etc, and close it as soon as you're not using it.
    Best program i've found for ease of use when constructing playlists is winamp, but thats just a matter of personal preference.


    756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts

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