Phone Stalkers :(

Updated 10 Jan, 11 - 10 Comments.


I guess this post is more directed at the females on here, rather than the males, however it wouldnt hurt the males to read on also, coz there are a few females guilty of such behaviour too.... although far less common.

I just wanted to warn people about giving people your phone number. It happens a lot, and i've noticed some people complaining about phone stalkers lately, so just wanted to air my views on the situation. In my opinion - DON'T give it out. Wait until you've chatted to the person a few times, perhaps even more than that before giving out your phone number. Maybe use a program like skype or similar if you really want to hear eachothers voice - it's a free download so its not like its going to cost anyone anything - and it's a lot easier to block someone (if they turn out to be nasty) on such a program rather than have to go change your bloody phone number ! People have made the mistake of handing out their phone number before getting to know someone and as a result are now having to change their phone number to get away from persistant unwanted phone calls and abusive text messages. To quote couple of tips listed on the dating safety link on this site:

* Take your time to get to know someone. Don't be rushed

*A patient person will be happy to wait until you are ready to meet - or in this case, call.

Another idea is to have a seperate mobile phone just for online friends, you can get a cheap prepaid phone for about $50 these days. You can arrange a time for a conversation and leave it turned off till that time. Turn it on once a day to check your texts. the important thing is you can TURN IT OFF ! and your family and friends are still able to contact you (on your other phone).

When you think about it, a lot of people (not everyone though!) are using online dating sites due to lack of social skills in the "real world". So please, take your time to get to know someone before giving out your phone number to anyone - it can be very unpleasant to have someone constantly ringing and texting you at all hours if things turn sour.

The Dating Safety tips listed on the site are well worth the read for people new to online dating.

  • (Private Profile) - 12 Jan, 11

    I hear you nux... trouble is, when someone blocks their number and then calls... how do you know who it is...? This is a hard one. I must admit I have given my phone number out -to people I trust. Now I dont know WHO to trust... Good blog.


  • (Private Profile) - 11 Jan, 11

    If you do give your number out and find out end up with a stalker, Telstra have a number you can ring to get that particular number blocked. But definitely follow the advice above first! Also, just saying to the person that you no longer want them to contact you can stop unwanted advances.


    • nux (FF Host) - 11 Jan, 11
      Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

      Who the hell uses Telstra?


      756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
    • (Private Profile) - 11 Jan, 11

      LOL people with no other choice ;)


    • nux (FF Host) - 11 Jan, 11
      Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

      Ouch :(


      756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
    • (Private Profile) - 11 Jan, 11

      Yeah... I kno... it gets better though... $90 per month, for, wait for it, 12GB. Huge huh! LOL Damn you Telstra Mobile BroadBand *shakes fist* damn you to heck!


    • nux (FF Host) - 12 Jan, 11
      Brunswick Heads, NSW, AU

      Keep checking with westnet/iinet (same company), i'm with Westnet, and for $90 a month i get 400GB.
      It's nice to know i'll probably never go over the limit, no matter how hard i try :)


      756 Comments - 117 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 11 Jan, 11

    good blog Nux but I don't just give out my number because of safety reasons. I hope a lot of women heed your warning though!!!


  • (Private Profile) - 10 Jan, 11

    If you give your number - get your partners too. If you give your name - get his/hers. If things go wrong you must keep the power equity. And things might go bad in the most unexpected ways.

    If a person is identifiable - he/she cares more about what he/she does & says. I anonymity a lot of bad behaviours grows. Some people tend to act irresponsible while acting under an alias.

    To get unwanted attention by a person can be devastating. It doesn´t matter if it he/she is knocking on your door or "only" online. And if you do not know who it is your imagination might create a "monster" much worse that it actually is. If you do not know who it is it is also hard to call the police. This may make you weaker and more scared than needed. And sadly in fright these creatures get nourishment.

    Keep the balance in power equity an you get stronger.

    A free tip to some guys!
    I do not think many ladies go to bed with a person not revealing his true identity. We are not stupid - we need some safety. In some cases this might be achieved in other ways But giving a lady your true name helps creating trust.


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