Just a question.

24 Jun, 09 - 4 Comments.

Ok, I am wondering about one small sexual detail. Why is it that guys expect women to taste their own pussy juices and like them, either by kissing after oral or oral after penetration, but most guys don't want anything to do with tasting their own juices ( sperm)?

I find this a great double standard. Guys also expect a woman to swallow and like it, so, why shouldn't guys be expected to taste it as well? What's good for the goose should be ok for the gander..

Now, don't take me wrong I know some guys are not like this. I , for one, enjoy the erotism of the taste, knowing where it came from and how it got there.

I would not suck another guys cock for the taste, nor would I lick my own fingers after a wank, but, if it is part of a sexual experience, it's all good. Guys should try it sometime and not get all hung up about it.

Hey, just my thoughts on the subject. Responces would be appreciated.

  • (Private Profile) - 26 Jun, 09

    I think most people have too many sexual hang ups and arent open minded when it comes to sex and everything that goes along with it.

    So they are the ones missing out in the end.


  • (Private Profile) - 03 Jul, 09

    Did you add this after our discussion the other day? You know my thoughts on it.....mmmm. Not only is the man missing out the woman is too.


  • relaxa69 - 03 Jul, 09
    Croydon, VIC, AU

    No this was before our little chat...it is a belief of mine i llike to share...lol


    8 Comments - 4 Blog Posts

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