The Big Black Dog

22 Jun, 09 - 0 Comments.

Everybody has those days. You just ain't in the mood for anything.

You seem tired. Niggly. Just can't be bothered. Have a shorter than usual fuse. Always questioning what the bloody hell you are doing with your life.

Well I just had that for a whole week! Bad week! Was feeling as though I was just going deeper and deeper into this hole.

Then I got it..... The big black dog was trying to take another bite from me!

It shook me up at first. I didn't think that I was the sort of person who would succumb to this feeling. But here I was almost offering my arm up for him to take that bigger bite!!!!

This almost pushed me further into the hole, until a friend started to chat to me and noticed my meloncoly thoughts. She mentoned this to me and I acknowledged that she was right. Having a hubby who suffers from depression, she helped me talk thought it and gave me some great advice. Smile!!!! Try to be positive!!!! Even fake it if you have too!!!!

I tried this and I must say, it was great advice.

Now I know that depression is an evil thing and that not everyone can just smile and get over it. All I am saying is that, for me, this small bit of advice worked wonders. I feel great again, Positive and alive.

Just thought I would write this to help me get over it some more and maybe to help anyone who may be feeling abit down.

If you smile and try to make positive instead of constantly thinking negative, it may be all you need to turn your feelings around. :)

ps: again I do not want to come across like I am making light of people suffering depression. This advice worked for me.....end of story.

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