Early morning the river

01 Jan, 22 - 2 Comments.

The fresh morning air was still saturated with the heat from the day before. Breaths of dry air gently blowing through the garden. Dawn had not yet broken and the day was shure to be hot like it had been all week.

I rememberd a shady spot just a short distance from the boat ramp that was easy to get to by kayak. As I loaded the kayak onto the ute the hot sun was peaking its head over the horizon. I chucked a few things in a cooler bag and hit the road.

I got to the boat ramp and launched my kayak and loaded it up locked the car and set off eager to strip off and jump in the water the heat in the air was allready building and beads of sweat began forming on my skin as I pushed the paddle through the water every now and then a splash of water from my paddle would land on my leg or back as it dove into the water or swung through the air. The cool fresh water felt so nice as it ran across my skin I could not wait to dive in.

The last bend was in sight and the sweat was now running down my forehead It was hot work paddling against the current but I pushed a little more to round the bend and reach my destination.

As the bow of my kayak bumped against the bank l lept out and pulled my kayak onto the bank.

I slipped my shorts off flicking them into the kayak with my foot as I removed my shirt dripping it inside as well. The water was cold and fresh on my feet and as I waded out into deeper water I could feel cold line of water climbing up my legs I waded out to waist deep the cold water caressing my buttox before I dove enveloping my body in the cool water I turned over and floated letting the river wash away the sweat of the paddle. I swam out to the middle and swam back in enjoying the escape from the heat.

The warm breath's of air were now cool against my wet skin as I waded back to the bank and climbed out the cool water still dripping of my skin there was nothing quite as refreshing as a naked dip in the morning. I slapped on some sunscreen and laid out my towel in the shade.

I laid there in the shade watching the clouds through the trees listening to the cockatoos and cercaders as I relaxed thinking of what to do with the rest of the day and how to best escape the heat. When I hear some laughing and giggleing comeing around the bend. So I jumped up and wrapped the towel around my waist. Sitting back down while I wated for the people to pass by. It was a minuite or 2 before I realised that they had allready been past while I was laying down naked in the shade. I felt a bit embarrassed as it dawned on me. Before I jumped back into the river to cool down again and try wash away my embarrassment. And after a short swim I layed back down this time watching the river both directions.

It was about an hour later when I decided it was time to go and after a quick dip I slipped back into my shorts and pushed the kayak back into the river and gently paddled back downstream to the boat ramp.

But what would happen when I got there would my mystery people be there how embarrassed would I feel the nerves were building and I made my way back downstream .

The boatramp was now in sight but luckly no one was around. I felt so releaved as I loaded my kayak up and went to jump in my car when I seen a note wedged under my windscreen wiper the nerves came rushing back the moment I seen it. And after a nervous glance around the carpark I plucked the note from its resting place on my windscreen and unfolded it.

All that was written on the note was a smile face and a phone no

And as the embarrassment faded the nerves washed over me should I call should I message should I do nothing. The hole drive home my brain was evaluating the 1 question to call or not to call. They knew my car and probably my licence plate what did have to loose by calling.

By the time I got home I had made up my mind to message and say hello.

And that is what I did

Me : Hello I found this number on my car thismorning after I went kayaking

Reply : Hello yes was that u sunbathing on the bank.

Me : 😳 yes sorry I thought I was alone and did not hear u or I would have covered up

Reply: U should probably be more carefull when u do that in the future

Me: 😳 😳 I am verry sorry I normally hear people comeing and cover up

Reply: We were just floating by no one was comeing 😜 if we were u would of heard us for shure

Me: Well I guess I am sorry about that too that could have been fun 😜

Reply: Well mabe tomorrow we might stop and say hello if we see u there 😘

  • (Private Profile) - 01 Jan, 22

    You are a storyteller par excellence!!
    What would tomorrow bring? Rain? Sun? Joy?
    Anticipation is half the fun.


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