03 Jan, 13 - 5 Comments.

In an artical in Sundays paper on dating.Matchmakers have advised ,your path to love may run smooth No SEX for the 1st six weeks, .What do others think???

  • Skinner Dipper - 03 Jan, 13
    Woodburn, NSW, AU

    Sunny Dwyer,a Psychologist Guy did write
    the artical he also said girls should
    not drink more than two drinks on that
    first date.'???



    23 Comments - 25 Blog Posts
  • (Private Profile) - 03 Jan, 13

    well considering that when you have a child naturally you have to go six weeks without sex i beleive that that should be the only time you should have to go without seriously what was the writer thinking i agree that the writer must of been someone without a sex drive ....


  • (Private Profile) - 03 Jan, 13

    Thats someones idea of clever......and was aimed towards women....so we don't 'put out' early....what a joke


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