University Online Dating Study Seeks Volunteers

Updated 27 Nov, 08 - 3 Comments.

I've been approached by Danielle Couch of Latrobe University regarding an online dating research project she is involved with. She and her colleagues are seeking dating site members to help out with their research. It sounds pretty interesting. Any takers? Confidentiality is maintained for all participants, and in the past most people have really enjoyed their interview experience. At the end of the project the results are available to the participants upon request
Here is the info. More can be found at the Latrobe web site: Using the internet to meet people? Looking for romance, love or sex online? We would love to talk to you! What? We are interested in exploring young peoples' experiences of online dating. We want to chat with you online about your experiences and hear your thoughts about meeting people online. You'll need to be between 18 and 30 years of age to participate. Why? Because online dating and using the internet to meet people might have implications for personal safety and sexual health. How? We'll interview people online, using instant messaging. All interviews will be confidential . All participants will receive an information sheet and consent form which outlines the project and their potential involvement. Participants can opt out of the interview at any point. If you would like to be involved or would like further information please email us or add us to your instant messaging (Windows Live or MSN Messenger or Yahoo Messenger) contact list: [email protected]. We hope that the interview process will be insightful for everyone involved, so that we all get something out of the experience! We look forward to chatting with you online soon. :-) Need more information on the project? You might like to download a copy of this form and keep it for your reference: Information and consent form

  • (Private Profile) - 29 Nov, 08

    I should have mentioned, the name of the study is "Online dating and risk amongst YOUNG ONLINE USERS: Implications for sexual health promotion and public health intervention".


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