FlingFinder - Couples - Female/Male Seeking Women

in Baldivis, WA, Australia - Page 4

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68yo Female & 63yo Male

Baldivis, WA, AU, Australia

Professional married couple looking for a little fun in life with like minded others. We are not hard core swingers but would like to meet others around our age for fun, frienship and erotic times.... venus&mars's dating profile

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45yo Female & 52yo Male

Baldivis, WA, AU, Australia

Male female looking for 3sum fun must be discreet and female only pls come have some fun with us tonight... 3sumqueen's dating profile

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40yo Female & 46yo Male

Baldivis, WA, AU, Australia

Good looking, fun loving sexual couple, looking to find other like minded people to have fun with. Hopefully find out new and interesting things about sex ;)... newsome's dating profile

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