FlingFinder - Couples - Female/Male Seeking Women

in Doncaster, VIC, Australia - Page 1

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50yo Female & 57yo Male

Doncaster, VIC, AU, Australia

We are a couple who want to try out some sexual fun, with either a woman, or a couple. We want to be fairly experimental, just enjoy the whole experience. very inexperienced at this... So be gentle on us.... At first. open to trying almost anything, we just want it to be light hearted and …... WantingThisNow's dating profile

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39yo Female & 41yo Male

Doncaster, VIC, AU, Australia

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31yo Female & 31yo Male

Doncaster, VIC, AU, Australia

We are a young loving couple ready to experiment and explore with another girl or couple! Or I am ready to have 1 on 1 with another girl without my man :)... acucar's dating profile

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